How To Create Your Daily Writing Habit.

Apply these two principles to finally build a Daily Writing Habit, and start sharing your ideas out into the world.

M W Khan
2 min readNov 17, 2022
Photo by Cathryn Lavery on Unsplash

First, you need to make time to write daily.

Scheduling some time daily for writing is the number one thing you want to do if you want to create a daily writing habit. Because, habit is created when an act is repeated on a daily basis.

And in the scheduled time, you have only one goal. You either write or you do nothing.

Sit down with a piece of paper and pen (or laptop, whatever you are comfortable with). And your only goal is to write and nothing else.

In the beginning, you may get bored, but don’t use your smartphone to kill that boredom. After a few days, you only have one option left and that is to write.

Second, start small.

Set a realistic target that you can achieve on a daily basis. Instead of writing with intensity, you need consistency in your routine. Don’t aim for a target which you cannot achieve on a daily basis.

Start with 150–200 words target and gradually increase. Because, to keep going, you need small but daily wins. That’s how you keep your momentum.

Wrapping up! The key to building a daily writing habit is:

1. Schedule some time to sit and just write.
2. Start small to gain momentum and then gradually increase.



M W Khan

I am here to write about things I find interesting while listening to Podcasts and reading Articles and Books.